
Recently I was asked to help design a flyer for the Devon Rex Breed Club…, ok I volunteered…

But in writing up the flyer, I am reminded of some of which makes the Devon Rex so special. I am thankful for the Ethical and Responsible breeders who help this breed to become healthy and happy.

Breeders put their heart and soul into the process. This isn’t a moneymaking venture – just ask any breeder! Breeding of the Devon Rex is tricky business. There are many health issues that must be watched closely in a breeding in versus kittens. Did you know that Devons can be prone to blood incompatibility? If the blood of the babies is different from the blood of the mother, death can happen. The breeder must hand feed the babies for a full 24 hours or more to keep them safe from the antigens produced when there is blood incompatibility. Many kittens simply do not survive.

Socialization of the Devons is also critical to the continued development of their terrific personality. A good breeder takes the time and energy to play with, socialize and encourage healthy behavior in your kitten. They may even raise the kittens under foot in their home. The cat raised in a cage and rarely handled will not become a good family companion, except perhaps by luck. Kittens and cats must be handled gently and regularly, lining in the home with the family, and socialized with other cats and kittens as well as people to become the wonderful, mischievous pixies we love so much.

Before the kitten comes to you, the breeder has taken the time and money to have the kitten checked thoroughly by a veterinarian, given its first set of vaccinations, and hopefully sterilized. Whole cats are not released to new owners by a breeder who is diligent, ethical and responsible. What the world does not need is more extra cats and kittens, or mutants, or unhealthy cats. The breeders take responsibility for the lines they breed by sterilizing the cat before releasing him to you.

A good breeder is likely also showing their cats (or has done so in the past.). Showing a cat can be expensive. There are entry fees, travel fees, hotels… etc… Showing the cat demonstrates to the Judge and the public that the breeder is encouraging healthy cats that meet the Devon Rex standard. (Have you ever been to a cat show? Great fun! Meet the breeders and see some beautiful animals!)

I have 3 Devons. Each is different, and each is healthy, loving, playful and sterilized. My thanks this season is to the Breeders of Devon Rex who work so hard to bring so much joy and love into our homes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Halloween is Here!

Halloween is here! It can be great fun for kids, but, depending on your cat’s personality, it can be a scary time for cats too! Dr. Lori Huston of has a terrific article about how to keep your cat or kitten safe during this time.

Her tips are reproduced here!

While Halloween may be a fun and exciting time for your kids, your cat may find it more stressful than fun. A steady stream of strangers ringing the doorbell, all wearing strange costumes and shouting “Trick or Treat,” may be enough to send even the most courageous cat over the edge.

And even if the trick-or-treaters do not bother your cat, there’s still plenty of trouble for him to find. Keep your cat safe at Halloween with the following tips.

  • Especially for black cats, Halloween is a dangerous time. However, any cat is at risk outdoors after dark on Halloween. Make sure your cat is confined indoors well before the sun sets. Personally, I prefer my cats to remain indoors year-round but for those of you who allow your pets outside, this is one of the nights you need to be careful.
  • Keep your cat away from the entry or front door of your house. Cats are quick and can easily dart between your legs and out the door before you have time to react. Confine your cat to an inner part of the house or set up a barrier to the entry-way to avoid an unintentional escape. Constantly ringing doorbells and shouting trick-or-treaters are frightening for many cats, and once out the door, your cat may be difficult to find and retrieve.
  • Make sure your cat is wearing an identification tag, just in case the worst should happen and he accidentally escapes.
  • Keep candy and candy wrappers out of reach. Many Halloween treats, like chocolate, are toxic to both cats and dogs. And candy wrappers can become toys that turn into intestinal blockages for curious playful cats.
  • Keep Halloween decorations out of reach as well. Like candy wrappers, ribbons and strings are enticing toys for your cat that can be quite dangerous if ingested.
  • Be careful of open flames, like those in a candle or lit pumpkin. Cats are curious creatures and can easily be burned while investigating these flames. There is also the danger of fire should your adventurous feline tip over a candle.
  • Wires, electric cords and batteries from Halloween decorations can also present a threat for your pet. Chewing on electric cords can result in electrocution or burns. Batteries make irresistible toys for your cat but are quite corrosive and toxic if chewed. Keep these items out of reach.
  • Do not force your cat to wear a costume. While they look cute and can be fun, most cats find wearing strange clothing stressful and upsetting. Stress and cats simply do not go well together. And Halloween is already stressful enough for most cats without adding insult to injury.
  • If your cat is especially high strung or anxious, consider a calming remedy, such as Feliway.

A bit of precaution and common sense can make Halloween a safe time for your cat and allow you to enjoy the holiday without having to worry about your feline friend.

Dr. Lorie Huston

More of Dr. Huston’s work can be found at

It’s Kitten Season!

Did you know there even was a kitten season? Many breeders plan their litters around the Cat Show season, from about July through May-June. That means kittens are born in the summer so they can go off to their new homes at the end of summer and early Fall.

New kittens are being exposed to so many new things every single day! Think about it – the vacuum, the family, the new places to hide and get stuck! As you begin to play, it is important not to overwhelm your kitten – if he feels safe and secure he will be a much happier kitten, a more confident cat and will probably overwhelm you!

Make sure you have plenty of places for kitty to scratch. Kittens and cats scratch by instinct – they do it to trim their nails and make a space their own… in my home I have 6-7 places they can scratch, all in different areas of the house. I have not once had a problem with scratching where they aren’t allowed!

Finally, make sure your kitten or cat has access to their litter box at all times. I came home once to find that someone left the closet (where the litter box is) closed and kitties couldn’t get in to their toilet! Cats want to use the litter box, and when they aren’t doing so it is a sign that something is wrong…

Many new kitten people already have names for their new babies… sometimes though, the name you choose just doesn’t fit!

Happy Kitten Season to you all!


Summer is a great time for crafting projects that are a little larger and require a bit more space. You can save a significant amount of money and invest your pride in a DIY project for your home… and for your cat!

Cats need real estate, especially if you have several cats in the home. They need spaces to climb, places to scratch and spaces to hide. There are many terrific projects out there for your home and your cat’s home!

If you’re a crafter or basic DIY-er, there are plans available to do your own thing – and they don’t look terribly difficult.

DIYNCRAFTS has some great ideas for cat owners.

Here are a few from Family Handyman.

These articles can give you unique ideas for your own projects, or to repair cat furniture you may already own. Also, if you are on Pinterest, you can find other projects to inspire your crafting instincts!

Have you made any cat furniture or other projects for your cat? How did it go? Please share your ideas on our Facebook page!

FOURTH OF JULY SALE NOTICE: July 3rd through July 5th we are selling all products with the Americat Gothic design at 20% off. Shop our Planet Devon Exclusives.   Discount will be applied to all applicable products on July 3rd.


Devon Rex Drawings by Anita White

The Devon Rex is a relatively young breed. It was first recognized by the ACFA in 1972, then in CFA and TICA in 1979. They originated in Devonshire, England, in the late 1950s when a Miss Beryl Cox found that a stray cat in her care had given birth to a rather odd looking curly-haired kitten. Lucky for us, she knew enough to breed this cat back to others and was able to create more curly kitties, starting a new breed of cat from a natural mutation, the Devon Rex.

In the 1980s, young Anita White and her mother Marion were in England, as Marion’s husband was serving at a base there. Marion and Anita brought several home to start an American breeding program for the Devon Rex.

Anita was also an artist – and we have her to thank for the current look of the Devon Rex. She drew the outlines for the current Devon Rex breed standard. She helped breeders to understand the correct look of the face, placement of the ears, and helped breeders by giving a visual representation of the desired standard.

Anita’s drawings are still used to guide us as to how the Devon Rex should look. The Judge’s training for the breed presentation in CFA credits Anita for capturing the ideal Devon look. These drawings were part of the original Planet Devon in approximately 2001. We are happy to return them to the current Planet Devon. As best we can determine, these drawings first appeared in an article by Ann Gibney, “Why There Are Two” about the differences between the Cornish and the Devon. Thank you to Anita White for using her talent to help define one of our favorite breeds of cat!

Take a look at our Devon Rex Drawings page.

A Peek Behind the Curtain

For those of you who couldn’t make it, here is a look at some of the wonderful cats and wacky people…, (or is it the wonderful people and wacky cats!) at the recent San Diego Cat Show in beautiful Del Mar, California.

If you have never been to a show, here is a behind the scenes look at our hobby up close and personal! Thanks to Alain Lescart of the San Diego Cat Fanciers for the terrific video!

Let Me Count The Ways

People who don’t own cats often believe that cats are not affectionate animals. They see cats as fiercely independent… well, that part’s not wrong, but cats can be very affectionate and loving.

How do cats show their love? Valentine’s Day is all about love, so Planet Devon wants to share the love by describing how your cat tells you he loves you. Amy Shojai of The Spruce website tells us about 10 ways your cat shows affection and love for you:

10. – Tail Posture – If you’ve ever petted a cat, you’ve probably encountered the “elevator butt” pose which invites you to pay particular attention to the base of the tail. Cats love to have this body area scratched but they also use their upright tails to signal their love. When a cat approaches you with their tail held straight up and the end slightly tipped over it’s a sign of love. A cat that holds their rear end up in your face is also a sign of affection. Kittens greet their mother with tails flagged high in respect and adult cats continue this behavior with their favorite people.

9. – Loving Eyes – A kitty’s eyes are proportionately huge. As such, cat eyes are important assets for survival, yet extremely vulnerable. Cats that place their faces and wide open eyes near a person are expressing great trust and love. A slow “eye blink” from across the room is considered a cat kiss.

8. – Sleeping – Cats typically sleep up to 16 hours a day and since they are the most vulnerable while sleeping, the place your cat chooses to snooze must be a secure and trusted location. There is no greater loving compliment than a cat picking your lap as their favorite sleep spot.

7. – Playing – Kittens play out of pure enjoyment and their most favorite playmate is typically a trusted and loved companion. Some cats may actually control the interaction of petting by moving just out of reach so you are forced to come to them.

6. – Gifting Prey – Cats are adorable but they’re still tiny carnivores who have hunting instincts. Cats may catch everything from toys to mice and they often share their bounty with those they love. Cats who present you with this bounty deserve praise. They wouldn’t bring these special gifts if they didn’t love you.

5. – Meowing – Cats rarely meow at other cats. Typically, only kittens meow to their mothers and they grow out of the habit as adults. Your adult cat uses these vocalizations specifically to interact with people. Just like us, cats don’t “talk” to people they dislike so even when your cat pesters you with lots of meows, remember that they are interacting with you out of love.

4. – Kneading – Making Biscuits! – Kneading behaviors hearken back to kitten hood. Kitten paws knead against the mother cat’s breasts to induce milk to be released. Adult cats continue this behavior when they’re feeling most relaxed, content, and loved, and that’s often when they’re being petted on their owner’s lap. Kneading is a distinct expression of adoration.

3. – Bunting (Also called booping!) – Bunting is when your cat rubs their cheeks on you or an object, head-butts you with their forehead, or rubs their head on you. This is a way for your cat to leave his scent on you, basically marking their territory. Cats do this when they love something or someone and they may practice bunting on other pets or their favorite humans.

2. – Rolling – Children tend to throw themselves on the ground and roll around in an attempt to refuse to move or while throwing a tantrum but when your cat does it, it means they are excited to see you. Cats may walk or run up to you and throw themselves on the ground and begin to roll around. This is a loving greeting and means they want your attention, especially if they show you their belly.

And the easiest to recognize…

1. – Purring – The most obvious and common way cats show their happiness and love is through purring. Cats seem to have a special little motor inside them that gets started when they are relaxed and enjoying something. You’ll often hear this rumbling, vibrating noise while you are petting your cat. Purrs can also mean your cat is upset but this is not as commonly seen or heard as a happy purr.

How does your cat show love? My KevintheDevon is a talker, meowing his way through the house to chat with. me. Timmy gives me boops, often early in the morning to waken me.

Timmy and KevintheDevon

What about your cat? Happy Valentine’s Day from Planet Devon!

Love is Love is an original watercolor by American artist Elizabeth Winterbone. A beautiful high quality print of the piece is available in our Planet Devon Shop.

Twas the Day After Christmas

‘Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house
The Devons were looking for a snack or a mouse.
The tree was still lit all shiny and bright,
With boxes and ribbons, oh my what a sight!

They pulled at the lights, the ornaments and tree
And having as much fun as Christmas should be!
The stockings were pulled from the chimney with glee,
The Devons would drag them to under the tree!

The morning was merry, the kids were up quick
Santa had been here and up to his tricks.
A new toy for Chicken
A collar for Roo
For Devlin a snacks jar, and bed that is new

The Devons found boxes and wrapping galore.
Far better than any cat toy at the store!
But late in the day, the cats were out cold
The house was a mess, the truth to be told.

Then, all settled down for a post-Christmas snooze
Well fed, well played and with not much to do.
Merry Christmas to all, to those you keep near,
And from Planet Devon a Happy New Year!

As part of our wishes for a wonderful New Year, our Planet Devon Shop has discounted all items through January 3rd.

Devonly Greetings

We are home from the International Cat Show, unpacked and ready to tackle the holiday season. It was terrific to meet so many online friends IRL – in real life! Planet Devon enjoyed being there, and hope you enjoyed seeing little Baci, and all the goodies Planet Devon has to offer.

As we come up on the end of 2017, Planet Devon wants to thank all our fans, followers, “likers” and friends! The end of the year is a good time to reflect and appreciate the things that make life special and meaningful. For Planet Devon, this means you!

Please stop by and consider a Planet Devon gift for your friends or family. Enjoy the holiday spirit of love and gratitude. Stay safe, love your people and your cats and take a moment to just be. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy Holidays to all, with love and purrs from Planet Devon.

Safe and Sound

It’s finally fall, and a chance to snuggle under sweaters and pajamas. We want to keep our cats safe and warm.

What if your cat does get out? What is the best way to draw him back or help him find his home?

Place his letterbox outside near the door you think he used. The smells of the box are powerful and will draw your cat home. Place a little food in his bowl on the porch – but watch it, as there may be other animals who smell it as well. Call his or her name out loudly in the tone you normally use. Place a dirty t-shirt or pillowcase in your yard, in the hope that our smells will get to your cat. Post signs, and check with all the local vets.

On Facebook recently we heard about Peepers, who slipped out behind her cat-mom last week. She was gone for nearly 5 days. The people who found her, scruffy and a bit beat up, scanned her for a chip. Peepers was chipped as a kitten, and sure enough, the scan found the chip. Reading from the chip information, the vet found the phone number and called Peepers mom and Peepers is back home safe.

Please. Don’t. Wait. Get your cat or kitten microchipped today. The cost is minimal, and the benefit profound.

The CFA is holding its International Cat Show on November 18 and  19. Planet Devon will be there. Will you? Special Planet Devon art and gift pricing for the show!