Devonly Greetings
We are home from the International Cat Show, unpacked and ready to tackle the holiday season. It was terrific to meet so many online friends IRL – in real life! Planet Devon enjoyed being there, and hope you enjoyed seeing little Baci, and all the goodies Planet Devon has to offer.
As we come up on the end of 2017, Planet Devon wants to thank all our fans, followers, “likers” and friends! The end of the year is a good time to reflect and appreciate the things that make life special and meaningful. For Planet Devon, this means you!
Please stop by and consider a Planet Devon gift for your friends or family. Enjoy the holiday spirit of love and gratitude. Stay safe, love your people and your cats and take a moment to just be. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy Holidays to all, with love and purrs from Planet Devon.